Geobiology is the study of the coevolution of and interplay between life and Earth. The group of geobiology at the University of Vienna, lead by Ass.-Prof. Dr. Theresa Nohl, M.Sc., is focused on microbially mediated early diagenesis in carbonate sediments, its steering mechanisms and their temporal and spatial intensity range. A special interest  are thereby caused biases in the palaeontological and geological record, i.e., the effects of early diagenesis on palaeontological, geochemical and sedimentological data retrieved from carbonate rocks for stratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental interpretation. We further investigate the effect of early diagenetic dissolution and precipitation processes on carbon cycling.

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Theresa Nohl, M.Sc.

Are you interested in a BSc or MSc thesis?


Currently conducted theses:
-BSc: Environmental and diagenetic drivers of sediment composition in the Bahamas transect
-MScUsing palaeontological and sedimentological information to „unfold“ the tectonic and depositional history of deposits near Grundlsee