(Kopie 1)
Department of Palaeontology
Postal address:
Althanstrasse 14
1090 Austria
Email: doris.nagel@univie.ac.at
Phone: +43-1-4277-53524
Research interests
Palaeecology of Mammals (Neogene to Pleistocene)
Terrestrial Actuopalaeontology
Conservation of National fossil sites
Each of these topics needs specialised investigation techniques. Micro-wear analyses and high speed cameras give insight into feeding habits, computertomography allows a non invasive look into the secrets of hearing, and ancient DNA allows detailed reconstructions of centre of origin and migration routes
Alpinet Culture 2000
Nagel, D.
1/09/04 → 30/06/07
Das Sarmatium von Nexing - Pilotstudie Mikrofauna
Nagel, D.
1/09/16 → 31/08/17
Die Teufelslucke (Eggenburg, NÖ) - Archiv der Klimaschwankungen im Jungpleistozän Niederösterreichs
Nagel, D.
1/06/20 → 31/05/21
Lunzer Bärenhöhlen
Nagel, D.
1/09/13 → 30/01/16
Artenvielfalt auf Wiener Friedhöfen
Thomas Filek & Doris Nagel
1 Media contribution
Das Sarmat von Nexing
Doris Nagel & Mathias Harzhauser
1 Media contribution
Die Folgen der Hitze in der Hyänenhöhle
Doris Nagel
1 Media contribution
Eine bedeutende geologische Formation mit Namen "Hendelfutterberg"
Doris Nagel
1 Media contribution
Gefundener Stoßzahn vermutlich von Steppenmammut
Doris Nagel, Valentin Perlinger & Roland Mayer
1 item of Media coverage
Historischer Riesenstoßzahn geborgen
Roland Mayer, Valentin Perlinger & Doris Nagel
1 Media contribution
Historischer Riesenstoßzahn geborgen
Doris Nagel, Valentin Perlinger & Roland Mayer
1 item of Media coverage
Höhle im Waldviertel zeigt Klimaschwankungen auf
Doris Nagel
1 item of Media coverage
Hyänenhöhle im Waldviertel gibt extreme Klimaschwankungen preis
Doris Nagel
1 Media contribution
Hyänenhöhle im Waldviertel verweist auf extreme Klimaschwankungen
Doris Nagel
1 item of Media coverage
Muschelgrube bietet Einblick ins Nexinger Meer
Doris Nagel
1 Media contribution
Neues Citizen Science-Projekt zur Biodiversität auf Wiener Friedhöfen
Thomas Filek & Doris Nagel
1 Media contribution
Ringelnatter und Wiedehopf -Universität Wien sammelt Daten zur Biodiversität am Friedhof
Thomas Filek & Doris Nagel
1 Media contribution
The elusive Drachenhöhle near Mixnitz (Styria, Austria) – how to date an undatable cave
Doris Nagel (Speaker), Doris Döppes (Speaker) & Gernot Rabeder (Speaker)
Als es der Hyäne bei uns zu kalt wurde. 50.000 Jahre Klimageschichte aus der Teufelslucke bei Roggendorf.
Doris Nagel (Speaker)
Die Teufelslucke bei Eggenburg – Klimaarchiv der letzten 50.000 Jahre
Doris Nagel (Speaker)
Pint of Science- tales from the 50 million year old amber forest
Leyla Jean Seyfullah (Speaker) & Doris Nagel (Speaker)
How cold and how dry. New data from the Teufelslucke (Lower Austria, MIS 3)
Thomas Filek (Speaker), Doris Nagel (Speaker), Doris Döppes (Speaker) & Gernot Rabeder (Speaker)
Predation on Allactaga major (Teufelslucke, Lower Austria, Upper Pleistocene): carnivores or birds of prey
Thomas Filek (Contributor) & Doris Nagel (Contributor)
The Schwaiger cave near Mixnitz (Styria, Austria)
Doris Nagel (Contributor), Doris Döppes (Contributor) & Gernot Rabeder (Contributor)
The giraffe that went west: the first record of Alcicephalus neumayri (Mammalia, Ruminantia) from the late Miocene of Anatolia
Alexandros Xafis (Contributor), Serdar Mayda (Contributor), Fridgeir Grimsson (Contributor), Doris Nagel (Contributor), Tanju Kaya (Contributor) & Kazim Halaçlar (Contributor)
Palaeodiets of large mammals from the Middle Miocene of Gračanica (Bugojno Basin), Bosnia-Herzegovina. A multiproxy approach
Alexandros Xafis (Speaker), Juha Saarinen (Contributor), Katharina Anna Bastl (Contributor), Fridgeir Grimsson (Contributor) & Doris Nagel (Contributor)
A basal turtle shows its teeth: possible evidence of dental microwear on the palatal denticles of Proganochelys quenstedti (Testudinata; Late Triassic)
Alexandros Xafis (Speaker), Juliana Sterli (Contributor), Doris Nagel (Contributor) & Evangelos Vlachos (Contributor)
Fossil Giraffidae (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the early Turolian of Kavakdere (Central Anatolia, Turkey)
Alexandros Xafis (Speaker), Serdar Mayda (Contributor), Doris Nagel (Contributor), Fridgeir Grimsson (Contributor) & Tanju Kaya (Contributor)
Palaeodietary traits of large mammals from the early Middle Miocene fossiliferous locality of Gracanica (Bugojna Basin), Bosnia-Herzegovina
Doris Nagel (Contributor), Alexandros Xafis (Speaker), Katharina Anna Bastl (Contributor), Fridgeir Grimsson (Contributor) & Juha Saarinen (Contributor)
On the distribution of Samotherium major: New data from the Turolian of Greece and Turkey
Doris Nagel (Contributor), Alexandros Xafis (Speaker), Fridgeir Grimsson (Contributor), Serdar Mayda (Contributor), Tanju Kaya (Contributor) & Kazim Halaçlar (Contributor)
Funktionsmorphologische Anpassungen des knöchernen Labyrinthes bei Beuteltieren.
Cathrin Pfaff (Speaker), Stefan Czerny (Contributor), Doris Nagel (Contributor) & Jürgen Kriwet (Contributor)
Die fossilen Carnivoren der Hominidenfundstelle Galili (Äthiopien)
Doris Nagel (Speaker)
1988 Assistant Research Scientist: Austrian Science Foundation, Project No. 6514 E: Evolution and Chronology of the Cave Bear.
1988-1992 Assistant Research Scientist at the Department of Paleontology of Vienna
Curator of the micro-mammal collections at the Department of Paleontology.
1992-2001 Associate Research Scientist at the Department of Paleontology, Vienna
2001 – Associated Professor at the Department of Paleontology, Vienna
Responsible for the micro-mammal collection. Editor of the paleontological journal Beiträge zur Paläontologie. Organizer of Conferences for the Mammal section of the Department. Organizing and executing excavations.
1998 Radiation Protection Training at the Austrian Research Center Seibersdorf.
2009 to 2010 Head of the Department of Palaeontology. Since 2006 responsible for teaching administration of Palaeobiology at the Life Science Faculty in Vienna.
From 2011 to 2014 again Head of the Department of Palaeontology
From 1988-1990 and 1996-1998 Secretary of the Austrian Palaeontological Society, from 2002-2004 President of the Austrian Palaeontological Society, since 2002 President of the Society Friends of Palaeontology; since 2002-2012 member of the Quaternary Commission of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. 2007-2009 on Member-at-Large of the Palaeontological Society (Germany), 2007 - 2012 member of the Gregory Award Commitee, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. 2011-2014 Vice-President of the Palaeontological Association (Germany); 2011-2013 Member of the Ethics Commission at the University of Vienna.
Als es der Hyäne bei uns zu kalt wurde. 50.000 Jahre Klimageschichte aus der Teufelslucke bei Roggendorf.
Doris Nagel (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Public
Die Teufelslucke bei Eggenburg – Klimaarchiv der letzten 50.000 Jahre
Doris Nagel (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Public
Pint of Science- tales from the 50 million year old amber forest
Leyla Jean Seyfullah (Speaker) & Doris Nagel (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Public
How cold and how dry. New data from the Teufelslucke (Lower Austria, MIS 3)
Thomas Filek (Speaker), Doris Nagel (Speaker), Doris Döppes (Speaker) & Gernot Rabeder (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Palaeodiets of large mammals from the Middle Miocene of Gračanica (Bugojno Basin), Bosnia-Herzegovina. A multiproxy approach
Alexandros Xafis (Speaker), Juha Saarinen (Contributor), Katharina Anna Bastl (Contributor), Fridgeir Grimsson (Contributor) & Doris Nagel (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
A basal turtle shows its teeth: possible evidence of dental microwear on the palatal denticles of Proganochelys quenstedti (Testudinata; Late Triassic)
Alexandros Xafis (Speaker), Juliana Sterli (Contributor), Doris Nagel (Contributor) & Evangelos Vlachos (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Fossil Giraffidae (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the early Turolian of Kavakdere (Central Anatolia, Turkey)
Alexandros Xafis (Speaker), Serdar Mayda (Contributor), Doris Nagel (Contributor), Fridgeir Grimsson (Contributor) & Tanju Kaya (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Palaeodietary traits of large mammals from the early Middle Miocene fossiliferous locality of Gracanica (Bugojna Basin), Bosnia-Herzegovina
Doris Nagel (Contributor), Alexandros Xafis (Speaker), Katharina Anna Bastl (Contributor), Fridgeir Grimsson (Contributor) & Juha Saarinen (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
On the distribution of Samotherium major: New data from the Turolian of Greece and Turkey
Doris Nagel (Contributor), Alexandros Xafis (Speaker), Fridgeir Grimsson (Contributor), Serdar Mayda (Contributor), Tanju Kaya (Contributor) & Kazim Halaçlar (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Funktionsmorphologische Anpassungen des knöchernen Labyrinthes bei Beuteltieren.
Cathrin Pfaff (Speaker), Stefan Czerny (Contributor), Doris Nagel (Contributor) & Jürgen Kriwet (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Die fossilen Carnivoren der Hominidenfundstelle Galili (Äthiopien)
Doris Nagel (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Die Teufelslucke (Eggenburg, NÖ) - Archiv der Klimaschwankungen im Jungpleistozän Niederösterreichs
1/06/20 → 31/05/21
Project: Contract research
Department of Palaeontology
Deputy Head
Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2 (UZA II)
1090 Wien
Room: 2A412A
T: +43-1-4277-53524